Monday 25 February 2013

I still exist btw...

So, long time no see. Sorry for the long absence. I have had lots of homework and revision over the winter due to midterm exams and assessments. In fact I just finished a double at-home study session with my laptop and lesson notes! (I have two exams tomorrow!!!! EEEK)
I really want to try to fully get into blogging as I need somewhere to be creative; even though I am studying BTEC Art and Design at the moment. LOL
Hopefully I will try to put up about two posts per week depending on my homework and revision schedule.
Thanks everyone. x


UPDATE - 03/03/2013

Prior to this I had uploaded a couple of somewhat mediocre posts. They have now been deleted so I can start my blog on a fresh page. I hope to post regularly and really get into this. (PS. My blog design may change a few times until I get it just right.)
